India vs Bharat

Bharat vs. India: Why “Bharat” Is the Ideal Choice for Renaming Our Country

The question of whether to officially rename our beloved nation “Bharat” instead of “India” has been a topic of debate and discussion for years. While “India” has been the official name since gaining independence in 1947, many argue that “Bharat” is a more fitting and historically resonant name for our diverse and culturally rich country. In this blog, we will explore the reasons why “Bharat” is considered the ideal choice for renaming our nation.

  1. Historical and Cultural Significance

“Bharat” is not just a name; it is a part of our ancient heritage. The name “Bharat” is derived from the legendary king Bharata, a figure prominently mentioned in ancient Indian texts like the Mahabharata and the Puranas. Renaming our country “Bharat” would be a homage to our rich history, reminding us of our cultural roots and the wisdom of our ancestors.

  1. Unification of Linguistic Diversity

One of the arguments in favor of “Bharat” is its linguistic inclusivity. Unlike “India,” which is an English term, “Bharat” transcends language barriers. It is recognized and respected across India’s linguistic landscape, from the North to the South and the East to the West. Renaming the country as “Bharat” emphasizes unity in diversity and showcases our linguistic harmony.

  1. Rejection of Colonial Legacy

The name “India” carries the baggage of British colonialism. It was bestowed upon us by our colonial rulers, and while it has historical significance, it also reminds us of a period when our nation was subjugated. By embracing “Bharat” as our official name, we reject this colonial legacy and assert our sovereignty and independence.

  1. Encouragement of Indigenous Languages

The use of “Bharat” as the official name would promote the use of indigenous languages and scripts. Currently, English often takes precedence in official communication and education. Renaming the country “Bharat” would serve as a reminder to prioritize our native languages and scripts in our national identity.

  1. Constitutional Recognition

It’s important to note that “Bharat” is already recognized in the Constitution of India. Article 1 of the Indian Constitution mentions “India, that is Bharat.” This dual nomenclature has been in existence since the adoption of the Constitution in 1950, highlighting the significance of “Bharat” as a cultural and historical identifier.

  1. Promoting Traditional Values

The name “Bharat” invokes the values and principles of dharma, spirituality, and cultural integrity that have shaped our civilization for thousands of years. By renaming our country “Bharat,” we reaffirm our commitment to these timeless values that have guided us through centuries of growth and change.

  1. Global Identity

“Bharat” is a name that resonates internationally. It is recognized and respected worldwide, much like “India.” Renaming our country “Bharat” would not only affirm our historical and cultural identity but also provide us with a strong global identity.

  1. Easier Pronunciation

For non-Indians, “Bharat” may be easier to pronounce and remember than “India.” This can enhance our country’s visibility and recognition on the global stage, making it more accessible and relatable to people from diverse backgrounds.

The Counterarguments

While there are compelling reasons to rename our country “Bharat,” it’s important to acknowledge the counterarguments against this change:

  1. Administrative Challenges: Renaming a country involves a considerable administrative overhaul, including changing official documents, currency, signage, and more. This process can be costly and time-consuming.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Some argue that the name “India” has been used for decades and has become a part of our national identity. Renaming the country may be seen as dismissing the contributions of the past generations who used the name “India.”
  3. Maintaining International Relations: “India” is widely recognized in international diplomacy, and changing the name could require extensive re-negotiations and adjustments in international relations.


The debate over whether to rename our country “Bharat” instead of “India” is not a simple one. It is a matter that involves a deep exploration of our history, culture, and identity. While “Bharat” holds strong cultural and historical significance and can unite us under a common name rooted in our heritage, it is essential to approach this potential change with sensitivity and careful consideration of its implications.

Ultimately, whether we choose to rename our country “Bharat” or continue using “India,” what matters most is our commitment to the values of unity in diversity, cultural preservation, and the continued progress and prosperity of our nation. Regardless of the name, our identity as a vibrant and diverse nation remains unchanged, and our future is shaped by the actions we take in the present.

Mr. Shishir Kharade

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